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A Celebration of Chinese New Year 2018
February 8-February 8

Join us on 8th of February at Asia house to celebrate Chinese New Year 2018: Dinner and conservation with Ching-He Huang as a part of series on Asian food and culture from The Oxford Cultural Collective in partnership with Asia House.

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Indonesian Cultural Showcase
Indonesian Cultural Showcase
February 15-February 15

Join us on a journey of Indonesian culture; an evening of fashion, music, art, food and performance from 17,000 islands of imagination. Paul and the team will be there to prepare food which will showcase Indonesian culinary culture. Paul will be working alongside brilliant Indonesian chef and author Petty Elliott. The evening will feature installations and performances from a range of writer, artists, performers and artisans. Visitors will discover unique music, film and craftsmanship and sample delicious cuisine of Indonesia’s…

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