Transylvania Fest

Transylvania Fest is a travelling food and Culture Festival supporting community development in the Transylvanian region through Tourism and Trade. The Festival places a heavy focus on local communities, as well as all those interested in the championing of locally sourced products. Its strategy focuses on promoting traditions and customs from Transylvania by connecting and actively supporting small-scale producers. Furthermore, a large importance is placed on increasing the footfall not only from the Romanian community but also those from abroad. This can be achieved by offering a programme that combines support for popular tradition and ways of life, with the more contemporary forms of community involvement.
Having begun in 2005 under the name of ‘Turda Fest’, organized in the Ariesului Valley (Turda, Campia Turzii and Cluj Napoca), it became ‘Transylvania Fest’ with its sixth edition in 2010, when it moved to Biertan and then to Blaj, in 2011.HRH Prince of Wales is Patron of The Transylvania Fest.